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New Gods

Anonymous models / MUA : Elsa Nizard

Canon EOS, Photoshop

The New Gods series is a series in 20 images that takes the codes of myths and societal images related to women and places them in a contemporary context. We find goddesses juxtaposed with "bom-shells" for example, a mobile phone and grapes, all around a banquet that is, to say the least, peculiar. In a Parisian courtyard these new gods indulge in a feast, which seems to indicate that the codes have changed. Between the sacred and the profane, between subtlety and trash, these images are nonetheless allegorical. Each person observing the scenes photographed will bring out different details. Between live shots and meticulously orchestrated images, this series is a reflection of the artist on our new modes of consumption and belief systems. 

All rights reserved © YUTA

Texts by Alma Sammel

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